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Oxidized Steel coating 33029

By Les Décoratives in Wall Coatings

Size: 2 litres container
Coverage: 2 litres = ±162 pieds²
Drying time: ±8h
Tools cleaning: Water
VOC: 1 g/l

Installed in only 4 easy steps, Oxidized Steel creates a stunning accent wall both urban and trendy that will impress all your guests. Please note that all steps are required in order to obtain the final look.

How to video :

Surface preparation :

Prepare the surface properly first - it needs to be sound, clean and dry. Take all hardware off before starting to work. All surfaces around your project have to be protected from the Oxidizer, as it can cause damage to certain materials.

Do not apply on wallpaper or on oil paints. Product is for interior use only.

Primer 3300-2.5L application :

On painted walls:

Make sure your surface is clean and dry. With a large paint brush or roller, apply one or two coats of Primer for wall coatings in order to have an equal surface to work on.
Let the painted surface dry completely ±4 hours at 20°C.

On wood, gypsum or plaster :

Make sure your surface is clean, dry and paint ready. Plaster joint or patches need to be dried out for ±4 days before applying Primer for wall coating.
Do a first coat diluted in 5% of water. Let dry ±4 hours at 20°C.
Do a second undiluted coat.

Finish realisation :

Step 1 : Oxidized Steel Coating 33029 application
Mix well before using. Apply a thin regular coat of Oxydize Seel Coating with a spatula or trowel
Let dry ±8h.

Important: overcoating can create microcrack.

Step 2 : Oxydant application 33034-500 :
Important: All surfaces around your project have to be protected from the Oxidizer, as it can cause damage to certain materials. Use gloves and safety goggles to protect yourself when applying.

Mix well before using. Vaporize the Oxidizer randomly at ±1 feet from the wall previously coated with Oxidized Steel Coating and let react. Oxidizer is a gel that sticks really well to surfaces, however, avoid over spraying, as it may cause drip effect. Effects will appear progressively during many hours (2h to 8h). Reapply until you reach desired effect.

Clean the applicator between each application.

Protection :

24h after the last Oxidizer application, use the Oxidized Steel Protector. It is mandatory to fix the finish and make sure the wall will not become dirty upon touch.

Shake well before using. Apply a thin and regular coat of Protector for Oxydized Steel with a foam roller in an irregular pattern. Smooth out protector constantly to avoid creating wither zones with a spatula.
Let dry ±4h.

Pictured effect is for demonstration purposes only. Final effect depends on number of coats applicated.

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